Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Getting Over A Friend

In October my Best Friend of nine years graduated from basic training. She was stationed at Pensacola Flordia. It was only a two-hour drive and within a few days of her graduating, I skipped school to go visit her. When I saw her I was so happy since I had been depressed and feeling lonely. I had not seen her since May and I was so happy to see an old familiar face. She had accomplished her dream and I was proud of her. I made sure she knew that I was proud and that I would visit her when I was able to. We were so happy to be together. When it was time to go we hugged each other and nothing seemed to be wrong.
That following day I met someone and informed her about him. She didn't text me back and so I thought she was busy. I then texted her after the weekend to ask how she was and when was the next time I could see her. She did not text me back. On Tuesday I thought her phone must have been turned off or something, so I texted her on social media. She left me on read. I was now upset. So I confronted her on why she was ignoring me and if there was anything wrong. She went off on me and proceeded to call me paranoid and that I was no longer her friend. Her words scared me. Within a few seconds, she blocked me on everything and then proceeded to get her other friends to do the same. She was my best friend and now we became strangers.
Her actions set me into another stage of depression. I didn't leave my room for two days and didn't eat for five days. I laid in my bed soaked in tears and snot. She damaged me so much.
Eventually, after a week I began to recover from the damage she had done. I am currently still trying to recover from her.
So with some research, I came up with a few tips on how to get over a lost friendship. It has helped me a lot for the past few days.
Tip number one; get rid of things that remind you of that person. When I was comfortable enough I took my pictures of her down. I then slowly began to put everything that reminded me of her away. I put all of our pictures in my yearbook and I deleted all of our photos off of my phone. The beautiful presents she got me I stored in my closet. Though some things I could not get rid of. Today I was cleaning up my room getting rid of a few things and I was able to part with a few candles and a necklace she gave me.
Tip number two; cut ties when ready. She cut ties with me before I even had the chance to reason with her. Slowly her friends began to unfollow me. It hurt a lot since I had no support from others and I already had damaged self-esteem. A few weeks after the incident I had the courage to delete everyone from my Instagram and Snapchat. I cut ties with a lot of my old high school friends who were having a negative impact on me. I went from nine hundred followers to three hundred in less than an hour. It felt great but it also caused me to have anxiety. These last few followers I had what if they disliked me and unfollowed me? Then I would only have two hundred followers. With social media causing me anxiety I finally deleted the app a few days ago. I cut ties with people who reminded me of my old friend and who were also holding me back from expressing my true self.
Tip number three; being involved in classes and friends. I wasn't involved in my classes after this happened, but when my friend came along I hung out with her as much as I could. Being with her took my mind off of a lot of things. I found myself thinking about the future more than the past. Now that I started a new semester in school I have become more focus on my classes. Spending time to focus on other friends and classes it has helped me a lot.
Tip number four; it will take time. It has been two months since Sam has broken her ties with me and not a day goes by where I don't think about her. I sometimes wonder where she is or if she is okay. Other days I hope she is getting seasick on a boat having the worse time of her life. Thinking about her does not benefit me and I almost hate thinking about her. She is a subject I resent to bring up but feel the need to because if I don't then it won't go away. For two months I constantly think about her or wish bad upon her, and I no longer want to. I know that getting over this is going take time. I just hope throughout this year I can forget about her. Recovery takes time and I just pray that I will be able to get over her.

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